The holiday season is an exciting time for both adults and children alike. But when it’s Christmas Eve, kids tend to bounce off the walls with anticipation! (Can you blame them? The tree is literally surrounded by presents.) With all the festive ongoings, it can be hard to get your little ones to go to sleep – even when they’re wrapped up snugly on a plush Meelu Mattress. Luckily for you, however, our sleep experts are here to help! Here are six tips to help you streamline the bedtime process.

6 tips for getting kids to go to sleep on Christmas Eve:
1. Stick to your usual routine
Probably the most important tip on the list, staying on track with your established bedtime routine keeps children’s expectations in check and reminds them that there are rules that must be followed. As fun as Christmas Eve is, it’s important that kids stick to routines so they maintain good behaviour. As an idea, consider watching a light-hearted family Christmas movie after dinner so the kids start to calm down before bedtime.
2. Keep them active during the day
When our bodies are tired, sleep comes more easily. Encourage your kids to remain active during the day so when Christmas Eve sets in, they are already feeling tuckered out. Go on a family walk, play a game of basketball, or have an active day around the pool. Keeping the kids busy will give them a happy, fun-filled day and get them to sleep a little earlier at night.
3 Set a time for opening presents
When it comes to opening presents, again, it’s important to establish a boundary with your kids. Sleep often eludes little people on Christmas Eve because they are excited to open gifts, and want to stay awake so they can open them at the first chance they get. (Even if that’s at 4:00 AM, to the dismay of their parents.) So, instead of negotiating bedtime with your kids, you can rather set a time for opening presents the next morning. This will encourage them to go to sleep when they are told, as you have established up-front that they aren’t getting anything at the crack of dawn. Take Christmas gifting to the next level with a bed in a box.

4. Run them a bubble bath
A long soak in a warm bath relaxes the muscles and readies the body for bed. To help your little ones go to sleep on Christmas Eve, run them a bubble bath before bedtime. Consider popping a few toys in the water too – playing games will tire them out even further.
5. Use the Santa excuse
Children know that Santa Clause won’t visit their home if they’re still up. After all, he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake! Simply remind your kids of this as they are settling into bed so they are motivated to go to sleep, and stay asleep until morning.
6. Tell them a bedtime story
Children love bedtime stories. And on Christmas Eve, most would enjoy a festive tale or two. When it’s about time for bed on Christmas Eve, snuggle up with your little ones and read them a story of your choosing to help them drift off to sleep. Just be sure to steer clear of present-related plots as you don’t want to rev them up again!

Go to sleep, kiddies, tomorrow’s Christmas
Getting your children to go to sleep on Christmas Eve can be a challenge. But if you succeed, they will feel so much better come Christmas morning. And without little people jumping on your bed at 4:00 AM, you will too!
Want to treat yourself to an early Christmas present? Order the Meelu Mattress online. It’s engineered with four premium foam layers so you can experience beautiful sleep, every night.