Frustrated by another night of snoring? (Or rather, someone else is?). Say no more. We all know the difficulties that come with interrupted sleep – and snoring happens to be a top tyrant. To assist you on your journey to getting the best night’s sleep, read on for ways to reduce snoring.

Reduce snoring and other sleep problems with the experts
At Meelu, when we have a problem, we don’t like to sleep on it. Rather, we follow our core belief in both science and mindful approaches to achieving the best solution. Struggle with insomnia and anxiety? We regularly explore solutions to sleep problems, especially when they bother your sleep partner and housemates. So let’s tuck in!
Ways to reduce snoring
Our team has listed three approaches to reduce snoring and the various ways to achieve them.
1. Start helpful habits
Raise the head of your bed
This simple trick assists in keeping airways open. Add about 15 to 23 cm under the head of the bed. You can slowly work up to this elevation over time so it does not feel so odd at first.

Sleep on your side (preferably the left)
This sleeping position encourages a better blood flow for pregnant individuals between their heart, fetus, uterus, and kidneys. It also alleviates any pressure on their liver. Additionally, for those who suffer from heartburn, sleeping on the left side also stops discomfort. Why? A natural bend in the oesophagus stops gastric juices from creeping up. In right-sided sleeping positions, they will experience heartburn at night.
Use a quality mattress
Tossing and turning, causing restless sleep, and in turn, a snore fest? You can’t go wrong when you sleep on four premium foam layers. Explore the ultimate in sleep engineering with our Meelu mattress and Meelu pillow.
2. Lifestyle changes
Maintain moderate weight
Keeping tabs on weight is great for overall health and quality of sleep. Those who are overweight will experience snoring due to excess tissue in the throat. Staying within a moderate weight range will keep throat obstructions, and therefore snoring, in check.
Stop smoking
You’ve probably heard it before. But unfortunately, that puff causes further sleep problems like snoring. We recommend trying to quit to help you get better sleep.
Limit alcohol before bedtime
Napcappers, take note! When enjoying a tipple, try to steer away from enjoying one in the three hours before you go to sleep. Alcohol not only interrupts REM sleep but can also relax throat muscles causing snoring.

Get more sleep
While this may seem like an afterthought, a lack of sleep can increase the chances of you snoring. And then if that wasn’t enough of a problem, snoring itself can lead to sleep deprivation by causing interrupted sleep. It can be an ongoing issue, which is why achieving decent sleep is so necessary.
3. Medical methods
For those that require a more thorough approach, explore these various methods to reduce snoring.

Nasal strips
This adhesive strip simply sticks onto the nose to help flare out nostrils and open up air passages.
Treating allergies with medication
Snoring may be linked to other aggravating issues like allergies. Speak to your doctor about suitable options for you.
CPAP machine
This device has a pressurised air mask that covers the nose, mouth, or both, worn during sleep. It helps keep airways open and relieves snoring symptoms.
Oral appliance
This device is inserted into the mouth to prevent the tongue from blocking the throat.
Surgical treatments and interventions
In extreme cases, corrective treatments may be the best option. These include palatal implants, UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) and RFA (radiofrequency ablation).

Reduce snoring (and get better sleep) with Meelu
For more tips on how to reduce snoring and various other sleep solutions, explore our whole blog. Need personalised advice? Speak to our mattress specialists.