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Sleep advice for new parents

Sleep advice for new parents

Have you recently welcomed a new baby into the world? If so, we bet you’re feeling it. Newborns are delightful little creatures, but boy do they demand your attention. And this can no doubt affect your sleep cycle. If you feel like you could be getting more sleep, don’t worry – there are ways to get it without taking time away from your child. Read our sleep advice for new parents below and start getting the rest you need. And be sure to share these lessons with your partner too! (Discover the Meelu Mattress – a lullaby for new parents.)

advice for new parents

Advice for new parents: 5 tips for better sleep

1. Set up an ideal sleep environment

If your bedroom is a sleep sanctuary, you are more likely to have quality sleep when you get the chance to lay down. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, cool and free of clutter. Install some blackout window blinds and turn on the aircon if you need to. And turn off your cellular devices well before bedtime. You can also position your baby’s cot close to your bed so that it is quick and easy to get to for those midnight feedings.

2. Sleep when your baby sleeps

We know it’s tough having to get up at night to tend to your newborn. And you may be feeling extra groggy during the day. To put some pep back in your step, take advantage of the moments during the day when your baby is asleep and get some shuteye yourself. Put your phone on silent and pop on an eye mask for a quick armchair nap or lie-down on the couch.

advice for new parents

3. Share the nighttime feeding duty

Both parents should be involved in the nighttime wake-up calls. Sharing the responsibility will allow you and your partner to alternate getting uninterrupted sleep at night. Even if this means filling a bottle with milk so Dad can take care of the occasional feeding. You can also ask your family members and friends to help out with night care so you and your partner can have a night off every once in a while.

4. Get a new bed

Comfort is essential to a good night’s sleep. And when you’re only getting a few hours of rest every night – every bit of foam counts! If your bed is a little worse for wear, treat yourself to a brand-new mattress. Our memory foam Meelu is designed with special support zones for perfect sleep. Order your mattress today (it could be the best investment you make for the next 20 years).

5. Take naps if you need to

Our last point of sleep advice for new parents – if you and your partner are really struggling with the lack of slumber, you can even schedule daily nap times. For example, you can have a snooze at midday, and your partner can have one in the late afternoon. And it doesn’t have to be hours on end. Just twenty minutes of sleep can make a huge difference to your mood and general well-being. (Click here for six reasons to take a nap in the afternoon.)

advice for new parents

Need some shuteye? Take our sleep advice for new parents

Moms and dads, we’ve got your back! We hope you take our sleep advice for new parents to heart. And invest in our Meelu Mattress so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to spend time with your little bundle of joy.

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